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Student Testimonials

“I got it!!! FINALLY!!! Thank you! I don’t have enough words to express my happiness! I got Listening 8.0 / Reading 9.0 / Writing 7.5 / Speaking 7.0”


Sofia T.



“The IELTS General Training Course was good for me. Sometimes the material was difficult, but it helped me better with my English skills. The training was very useful, and the teacher was knowledgeable and well prepared.”


Jessi Y.



“Good morning, John. I passed the test. Thank you for everything. I got 6.0 in Listening and Speaking and 5.0 in Reading and Writing.”


Nadea G.

Moldavia (CELPIP test)


“I got 6.5 in Listening, Reading, and Speaking, and 6.0 in Writing! Thank you so much for all your help over the past three months.”


Andy S.



“I couldn’t have done it without your help. Thanks so much. I got 8.5 in Listening / 8.0 in Reading / 7.0 in Writing and 6.5 in Speaking and I only needed 6.0.”


Nacho V.



“I got Listening 8 / Reading 12 / Writing 11 and Speaking 9! Thanks so much for your help with the CELPIP computer-based GT test!”


Anna W.

Brazil (CELPIP Test)


“I would like to inform you (that) I will withdraw from studying in your course. (You see)… I took the IELTS Academic in Hong Kong and the end result is an overall band score of 6.5 and this meets the standard of the universities that I  am applying for. Thank you for your kindness and guidance to me during this course.”


Adrian K.

Hong Kong


“I felt really confident after attending classes at IQB and all the topics covered were relevant to me. The material was helpful, and I hope to change my time management as a result of this training.”


Jaya S.



“I just got my results! Feeling fantastic! After the test, I had a feeling that I could do better. I didn’t expect to achieve a score of 7.0. I still got what I needed. Your help was great! I learned so many things that definitely helped me to improve. Thank you very much. My scores were Listening 8.0 / Reading 7.0 / Writing 7.0 and Speaking 8.0. Overall, I got a 7.5. Thanks again!”


Liliya I.




“I got Overall 7.0 on my General Training exam. Thanks a lot for all your help!”


Shruti S.




“I liked the interactions and the materials that were provided, and they helped me a lot. I have already recommended the Academic IELTS Course to a friend of mine.”


Azita P.




“IQ Bamboo Language Services allowed me to study in a friendly and welcoming environment. A small classroom atmosphere not only allowed me to stay focused on the subject matter but to also make friends and connect with people from around the world. We laughed, discussed and analyzed. I am more confident in speaking and writing English now, and I would not hesitate to recommend the services and support from IQ Bamboo Language Services. Thanks, for all the great memories. I enjoyed going to class and improving my English through some good exercises and great books. But most of all, having a good mixture of seriousness and fun influenced the ending results of my new second language: English. Thank you, John"


Carla S.




“I think the Academic IELTS Course was good. The teacher gives good advice and marked my work on time and pointed out my problems. He never pushed me to work but believed in me that I can get the result I needed. There was a lot of homework, but I needed it to move on so that’s good. I would recommend this course.”


Chieh C.




“I want to say a big thank you to IQB, my English language mentoring school. During the last few years, they have been helping me with such a hard process as studying a new language. I feel I can always discuss what we should do in order to overcome my personal challenges, meet my needs, and achieve my goals.”


Sergei S.




“I got my results and my overall score was 8.0. This is enough for immigration purposes. My Listening was 8.5 / Reading 8.0 / Writing 6.5 and Speaking 8.0. Thank you so much for preparing me!”


Alina S.




"I am completely satisfied. Now I know the techniques to do the IELTS test, which I never knew before. I believe I improved my writing and reading skills a lot. I loved being a part of this coaching. I would definitely come back to improve my grammar and pattern mistakes."


Nazish Q.




"I got information about IQB from a friend about the Academic IELTS test. IQB helped me get a good score of 6.0. When I started, I had lots of problems with listening and grammar. IQB provided a lot of advice and help to improve these skills and my writing ability. My classes were very comfortable, and I was able to ask whatever I wanted and didn’t get confused. I want to say a huge thanks to IQB. They did a great job!"


Olga S.




“My experience at IQ Bamboo was awesome. Despite being an uncommon exam in Canada I passed the First Certificate of Cambridge FCE exam with a score of 161 at a B2 level after only two and a half months of classes. I felt my classes time like classes with a friend, and I don’t know, but probably, this situation made me feel more self-confidence. I haven’t pressure if, for example, I pronounce something wrong and this is a good way to learn faster. Now, I have achieved my goal and I have the FCE level of Cambridge. Thanks, Gio!”


Irantzu N. E.




 “I did it! :) Thanks! :) I'm very happy. Thanks for your help. Listening 8.5 / Reading 9.0 / Writing 7.0 / Speaking 7.0”


Ana S.




 “I got my IELTS results as follows: Listening 9.0 / Reading 9.0 / Writing 8.0 / Speaking 7.0 / Overall 8.5. I thought, I did well in speaking… and all in all, I am satisfied with the score. I must say your assistance and input helped me a lot. Thanks!”


Kanwar Puneet M.




 “I was very satisfied with my IELTS preparation with IQ Bamboo. Detailed explanations of all questions and a variety of topics were covered. After that preparation course I felt very confident prior to the exam and I passed it with very high results. (More than I even needed.) I highly recommend it for everybody who needs to prepare for IELTS”.


Katerina B.




 “Thank you so much for your help on the Academic IELTS. I feel with your guidance I am ready for the exam. And I got overall score of 6.0”.


Liyth Ali Al-M.




 “Thank you so much for your help on the Academic IELTS. I’m now an academic student. I got Listening 7.0 Reading 7.0 Writing 6.5 and speaking 7.5. IQ Bamboo was so much better than the previous school I prepared with”.


Mykyta H.




 “The self-preparation course from IQ Bamboo was exactly what I needed to prepare for the IELTS exam on my own. Thanks again for all your help!”


Sarabjeet K.




 “Hi, here is my IELTS results! Overall Band: 8.0 Listening: 8.0 Reading: 8.0 Writing: 7.0 Speaking: 9.0 Pretty good, eh? I don't think I would ever know how to improve on my writing if I never… walked into your door.”


Sarah H.




 “Thank you, IQ Bamboo. My results are awesome! Listening 6.0 / Reading 6.0 / Writing 5.5 / Speaking 6.0!”


Zhenya N.




"Thanks to you John… this service is really amazing… it is really making a great contribution in student's life. Glad to be a part of it. Can't forget the contribution you are making."


Tasnova Haque




"An absolutely great way to prepare individually to achieve personal goals. John's help made me feel comfortable to pass the IELTS Academic with a high mark in all parts of the test. To be able to stay at home with the kids, but still being able to prepare for the test at any time of the day, made this way of learning perfect for me. Perfect for anyone who wants to prepare independently."


Melanie Lang




"Firstly, I would like to say that this website and these services are very useful for international students to improve their English abilities without real classrooms.... students would easily use these functions of the website to communicate with their instructor online.... they can submit feedback samples to their instructors at any time, and they will receive answers immediately. Finally, there is a very experienced English instructor to help students to make progress..."


Liang Lu




"John provides sufficient information for anyone who wants to self-study for IELTS. The materials are easy understanding and include a bunch of questions, examples and suggestions. At the beginning I was a little frightened by these overwhelming practices, but as I completed one after another, step by step, I clearly saw my improvement."


Jessie Ling




"John knows the IELTS test inside and out. He is a friendly and competent educator who puts students at ease and professionally teaches the necessary skills for students to reach their IELTS goals. John not only teaches what will be on the test, but also the test-taking strategies and requirements that will ensure success."


Sara Wolfe,

Coordinator: TRU Writing Centre, Thompson Rivers University

Kamloops, BC



"I recently had the pleasure to be taught by John and can honestly say I love his teaching style. He is very attentive and knowledgeable. He has a great sense of humour and makes it fun to learn. I would recommend him to anyone looking to do their IELTS preparation."


Pamela Araujo




"John De Luca is a great English instructor with vast experience in many different educational fields. He's spent a large part of his life preparing students for IELTS gathering tons of examples from previous tests and study materials which are the key to success. With his guidance, I passed the required benchmark with flying colours and overall improved my English skills."


Karina Soboleva




"I was very satisfied with my IELTS preparation with John De Luca. Detailed explanations of all questions and a variety of topics were covered. After that preparation course I felt very confident prior to the exam and I passed it with very high results. (More than I even needed.) I highly recommend it for everybody who needs to prepare for IELTS."


Katerina Babelo




"A big thanks to John ! Since the first day of the IELTS (General Training) Course, I realised I had made the right decision choosing IQ Bamboo Language Services. John was professional, friendly and patient with my learning experience for this particular course. From the beginning until the end of the 30-hour course John played a big role in getting me ready for my test."


Miguel Cisneros





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